Accueil » Désinformation
Concevoir le contenu en collaboration avec les communautés locales afin d’instaurer la confiance…
Vaccines Today highlights the importance of localizing global interventions by capturing the Cranky Uncle Vaccine co-design process…
Exposer les gens à une faible dose de désinformation peut agir comme un « vaccin universel » contre la désinformation…
Chelsey Lepage speaks to The Guardian on co-designing Cranky Uncle Vaccine with local communities, global misinformation expert Dr. John Cook, UNICEF, the Sabin Vaccine Institute…
BBC’s Focus on Africa broadcast looks at how the Cranky Uncle Vaccine game is tackling vaccine hesitancy in Africa
Vaccine Nation captures the robust partnerships that power Cranky Uncle Vaccine…
We drew on inoculation theory and co-design approaches to develop a novel digital social and behavioral change intervention…
We tested multiple vaccine communication approaches in head-to-head online campaigns, informed by social listening insights…
Global health and communications experts shared their experience using social media listening to drive programming decisions for improved vaccine uptake, specifically focused on minority and vulnerable populations